Installation View
Plants have their own tenacity—a possibility of continuously nurturing themselves. In Kaifan Wang’s painting, a tumbleweed performs as a metaphor for frequent migrations: the plant’s adaptability to various environments overcomes any resistance against its continual move towards the unknown. The interaction between the plant and wind becomes an analogue of the relation between humans and the environment. Interpreting “uprootedness” as a positive force, Wang delineates his embodied memories and sense of alienation into the brownish marks that stir the memory of sand particles from the desert in the artist’s hometown, Inner Mongolia, China. The invisible but omnipresent wind delivers entangled feelings from diasporic experience.
Kaifan Wang’s Tumbleweed series resembles the movement and round form of the eponymous plant in swirling brushstrokes that verge on abstraction. Born in Hohhot, China, the artist now lives and works in Berlin, where, in his words: “a grain of sand blown into one’s eyes on a Berlin street can remind him of flying dust in Inner Mongolia.” Earth-toned, calligraphic, swirling marks overlap in and spill out of his 2023 painting Tumbleweed VIII. Contemplating his personal experiences with migration, Wang balances the chaos of a tumbleweed’s inertia with its peaceful terrestrial color palette, true to the plant’s existence. He evinces the fluctuating experience of living in an increasingly global economy. In response to life’s unpredictability and social upheavals, Wang seeks to channel the spirit of the tumbleweed—following the destination of the wind in surrender.
王凯凡的风滚草系列作品以近乎抽象的旋转笔触描绘了同名植物的运动和圆状结构。这位艺术家出生于中国呼和浩特,目前在柏林生活和工作。根据他的描述:”在柏林的街道上,突然一粒沙吹进了眼睛,让我想起了内蒙古的风沙”。在他于 2023 年创作的油画《风滚草 VIII》中,尘土色、书法运笔、漩涡状的痕迹交错重叠。考虑到他个人的迁徙经历,王平衡了风滚草惰性的混乱与平和的陆地色调,真实地反映了植物的存在,也表现了在日益全球化生活中自己的波动体验。为了应对生活的不可预测性和社会动荡,王试图引导风滚草的精神–在风的推动下到达目的地。(王凯凡工作室翻译)
– 群展,Alexander Berggruen 画廊,纽约,2024年1月
法国结构主义者克劳德-列维-斯特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss)认为,神话的表现形式充斥着文化重复和文化建构的重塑,在神话中,故事层层叠叠,其相同的内核意义在不同的叙事语境中被重新定义。这种针对文化重复性的结构主义解释是以视觉抽象现象所具有的矛盾性问题为基础的。神话本身就是对文化矛盾的一种回应,这种矛盾无法解决,只能被反复提及。与神话故事被迫重复自身相比,抽象绘画具有两个方面的特点。
– Never The Right Time, COMMUNE 画廊, 维也纳, 2023年11月